Jan 17Liked by Sara Somers

Your observations on the white-world Ann Arbor becomes in winter brought memories to the fore of my year at U of M almost half a century ago. (Yikes!) There were evenings I would emerge from the protection of my practice room at the school of music to discover my battered green pinto buried in flakes and crying out for chains to be affixed with frozen hands. No question that it was a wonderland where the snow-induced silence was deafening. The memories are vivid and treasured.

Hey, if you come down to Orléans next December there is a chestnut watering hole one block away from chez nous. Of course 2 francs won’t get you more than a moment of relief from the chill by sidling inconspicuously up near the warmth of his booth.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.


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Beautiful. Hoping to go to Tahoe in a week or two for snow. I bought roasted chestnuts in front of the Reading Terminal in Philly in the winter. Then bought them in Italy and Turkey in the fall where they come from.

It's super cold in Atlanta right now. Hope to see you soon!

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This takes me to so many first snows over time. I still can hear the hush. Gorgeous. Thank you.

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